Enter Your Productive Girl Era

Bestie, I see you're ready to enter your Productive It Girl Era, and as usual, I have the perfect shopping guide for you to get started. Now, I know being an IT GIRL is already a full-time job for you, so I've made this as easy as possible to add to your plate.

Your Enviornment

Your environment impacts your productivity levels, so having a space that influences productivity is the biggest hack to actually making it happen. We're not aiming for the perfect space, just that "I've got my life together" aesthetic.


As your go-to source for all things It Girl, it is my responsibility to make sure you have everything you need to thrive. I know you're busy being the CEO of your own life, but trust me, curating your space is the easiest way to influence yourself and level up.

You know when you feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff around you? That's your brain dealing with unnecessary cognitive load. A messy environment forces your brain to process and filter through visual stimuli, taking precious mental resources away from the actual work you need to do. An aesthetically pleasing space helps with concentration and creativity.

Your environment doesn't just talk to your brain; it has a direct line to your body too. Ergonomics, lighting, and temperature all play roles in your productivity. Your brain loves routine and association. Association can prime your mind for productivity, creating a mental boundary between work and leisure.

Morning Routine

First things, first- absolutely NO snoozing allowed! That tempting button we all love to hate. Ever wondered why we do it? It's like our beds are whispering sweet nothings, telling us, "Just a few more minutes, darling." But trust me, those extra minutes are not your friends.



A good morning routine begins with one crucial step: staying hydrated. Dehydration can lead to brain fog, and we're not about to have clouded thoughts. Downing a glass of water not only wakes up your metabolism but also refreshes your brain.


Journal & Read

Journaling and reading are the ultimate power moves to start your day. It stimulates your mind, boosts creativity, and sets the intellectual tone for the day. You're not just rushing through the morning; you're savoring it. It's like a morning spa day for your mind – pamper that brain, darling, it's necessary.


Get Ready

An aesthetic get-ready process boosts your productivity- and trust me, it's not just about makeup, it's not just about clothes; it's about the confidence they bring.


At Home Coffee

A daily coffee shop run isn't a good financial decision for an IT GIRL. Whip out your financial calculator – imagine spending $5 a day on your favorite latte; that's $150 a month! Invest in a cute coffee maker, some chic mugs, and voilà – you're not just saving money; you're investing in your home and build good financial habits.


Work From Home

Having rules for yourself while you WFH is the key productivity. First in the rulebook – time management! Establishing rules for your work hours keeps you on track. Set clear boundaries – when it hits that special hour, the workday can end. In our Productivity It Girl Era, time is our most important asset, and your planning is the how you allocate it.


Work Out

That midday energy slump is canceled, darling. Working out is your energy boost. Physical activity increases blood flow and your brain does a happy dance as those endorphins kick in – the ultimate mood lifters. A happy brain is a productive brain.



Planning your meals and hitting the grocery store with a purpose sets the stage to fuel your body and mind. Grocery shopping and cooking at home allow you to take control of your ingredients and flavors.



Ever heard the saying, "Time is money"? Well, rest is the time-saving, so think of it as saving money too. Beauty sleep is also for your brain and body, leaving you refreshed. When you've had ample rest, your brain is sharper, more focused, and ready to tackle tasks with precision.